Tuesday, January 1, 2008


i read this somewhere. responding out of genuine relationship launches you into a new dimension of living, not another level of performance. how deep is that? i have no clue what to write about this at this point. i am going to chew on it for awhile and come back to it later.

guess what, i am back to it and have something to write. i started this post on 12/11 and i am just now finishing it while at the same time resuming posting from a huge break. i guess the break had something to do with the holidays but maybe just a little with relationships as well.

i finished the book, "This Beautiful Mess." it was great. i highly recommend it. i was also trying to read another book along with it. that does not work for me so well. anyway, i just got done reading a section of the book that really made me question something. why do we forget people so quickly?

the example the book used was a short vacation. you forget the ones back at home quickly, and then when the vacation is over and back home you go, you forget about the ones on vacation, the relationships you promised that you would continue to communicate with and build on.

strange.......oh by the way, this book is called, "the SEARCH to BELONG." it is a bit deep and technical in describing the four spaces of community, but i think it hits the nail on the head on quite a few points. i am a little more than half way through so i will keep posting interesting ideas.

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